Wednesday, August 5, 2015

East or West?

Just as the Christian missionaries went East to convert the native peoples of the world, the Russian Orthodox church was also doing the same thing..... voyaging East to convert the native peoples.... East of Russia was Alaska, East of them or West of us, depending on where you start from.
 That’s the reason that in the middle of rural Alaska there is a strong following of the Russian Orthodox tradition, so strong that in the tiny town of Eklutna,they still have a full time priest.  the native Alaska people simply merged their traditions with the churches in the same way that Christians found themselves merged with native British traditions.... except we don’t have spirit houses.
 The sprit houses are put over the grave 40 days after burial and are a place for the spirits to live and be visited by relatives, no doubt modern spirits have modern houses

Stop by mirror lake –do I need to explain why it’s called mirror lake???

This thing in the distance I was watching that looks like low hanging  loud turns out to be a big mountain , Mt McKinley, when you get closer to it!

Talkeetna is famous for 2 things, the number of shops, think Hungerford without the antiques, and..... Mayor Stubbs. Mayor Stubbs doesn’t wear robes or a  chain of office as befits his status, mainly  because he’s a cat
I was lucky enough to meet the Mayor in person and although frail and elderly he had a couple of words for me and accepted a stroke or two before curling up to snooze at the back of Nagleys Store in the centre of town.

It said cabin on Expedia but when I arrived it was one of those cases of understatement... more like a house than a cabin reply, still it’s an extra night of comfort with a nice view of the lake .

Sadly the camera has broken again and no amount of tapping the lens seems to bring it back to life, I am going to drive back 60 miles to Wasilla to see if I can get a reasonably priced new one, shame because I hadn’t finished researching for a new one just yet.

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