Monday, July 28, 2014

The Brown sofa

........course I did 
The FA was very sweet, saw my bright red face and got me a drink of water as everyone was boarding, she even came to the back of the cabin to ask me what I would like for breakfast before anyone else so I got my first choice- 
gotta love the Dutch breakfast why I dont just make it at home I dont know Al and I are into the dried up , speckly and frazzled looking meat in the "deli meats pack" something we have only just discovered , tastes good though.

............Home at last.

Getting back to school was pretty nerve wracking, everyone telling me what to do, schemes of work changed so I dont really know what I am doing, Interesting to see the breakfast and crunch bar lessons making a return after 10 years- goodness know where they came from
........Then it dawned on me that the yellow folder of Schemes of work that Sue left me as a souvenir was out in the office, clearly dated 2003!  Since then we have gone electronic and the schemes are stored on the school drives so no one could even think it was the current one. Then I remembered the Head berating me for my schemes of work and realised that this is exactly what has happened!!!! 
Oh well, nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy as they say.
 I will save the fab National Curriculum scheme I wrote while I was off for a rainy day.

The very best time I had in school was when I asked for extra cover, reminded of what the head told me to do what I was good at and teach, being back in the classroom with the Kiddies was a good reminder of the reason I stay in teaching. Not everyones cup of tea and for me now, certainly no chance of a career any more but as a vocation it'll do!

Soo, when you want to travel, your feet itch, what itches when you want to decorate your whole ground floor in a week flat?... your fingers looking on the internet for ideas, I have some mad idea about a brown leather sofa with legs and a cream carpet with a rug.
I always put it off because Max wasnt getting any younger or any less blind so I didnt want to change his environment and confuse him but the old boy wasnt himself when I got back from Alaska and despite a couple of days in cat hospital he hadnt really got much better, I had him home and cuddled him, he managed to get onto his favourite chair but had a full on seizure. Twitching that much had to be painful and seizures are never a good sign so I took him back to the vets and had him sat on my lap cuddling him as he drifted off to somewhere free of pain.

Back to the garden, new edging finished, floor in workshop finished and mortar between slabs I hope Al is proud of me, it was a superhuman effort but I wanted to set a good example.

Just in time for Dennis's birthday the Gladioli flowered, I have no idea why he grew a row of Gladioli every year but I bought them on a whim in April and have waited ages for them to come up nice tall structural plants I think I will grow them again next year too

The stressy sisters are happily (well grumpily) sat brooding in their coop, they were fighting over who was supposed to be sitting on the eggs and getting rough so I gave them a couple of potatoes each to sit on which has kept them quiet. I throw them out once a day to eat and drink and share the potatoes out again so they have 2 each, someone always has them all over one side having stolen them from under her sister!

Poor Felipe, it was his own private palace until the stressies took it over, I guess they must keep him up with their grumbling because he has moved to the  top of the big coop, the Brahmas are sleeping in the Brooder coop and no one is in the big coop overnight at all.

Offto Jersey for a days socialising with the FT group, no we're not plane spotters, Plane spotters have anoracks and notebooks and dont leave the ground. Some people find it funny though, quite a minority interest maybe ..................but 2 flat bed business class seats to Philly for me and Al at £580 plus miles, yep we thought it was hilarious!

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