Thursday, December 18, 2014

count your chickens......

.......or is it dont count your chickens?
 Tom from down the road banged on the door and said there was a bantam loose during the day, a friendly bantam , someone picked it up, was it mine?
I toddled off to count the birds an they were all present and correct, now the only ones that are easy to pick up are the freakies, Gaga is the only one that could be called Grey colour ..... actually come to think of it I saw her on the top of the fence the other morning , I think she is "visiting" during the day. Then next door neighbour walked past and said that Felipe is out every day, no prizes there, he is looking for girl bantams to befriend - as a miniature bantam cockerel, his choices are going to be limited so unless he has taken up courting a pigeon he will be back every night!

So with the hysteria rising at work, the secret santa presents all being brought in, the kiddies instructed to bring in food, goodness knows what they will be like tomorrow- luckily I have been drilling them in what goes on the last day of term for the last month it should all go smoothly ,
All was going smoothly, the room cleaned, the cookers scrubbed, the equipment sorted, a couple of TAs preparing food and clearing up after themselves when.... The Italian club pasta carbonara this lunchtime turned out to be 12 cooking with a teacher who hadnt even been in the room before, I had to leave eventually because I couldnt bear to watch my newly immaculate room in chaos, luckily I had year 11 the next lesson and its the sort of class that I like immensely, I was able to confess to being in a bit of a stress about it and they just cracked on , bless them.

Just Friday's festivities to go then, I have mixed feelings about the Christmas assembly, last year I was just so pleased to be there with everything normal and happy, the kiddies singing and generally going that controlled sort of wild that you do in a school assembly. Dunc had recovered slightly from his operation and I was looking forward to a few days visiting Lisa with Steve and Carl looking after Duncan for me. I had no inkling of what lay ahead of me at work or at home, it was a time of hope, that Duncan might be able to go on for a while longer and that I would be able to continue at work for a bit . As I found out in January, it wasnt to be............

Havent we been here before??

Actually it doesnt look too bad once we get there .........

I have more or less given up worrying about disruptions, it seems to be par for the course with complicated routes, even Al has been caught up with it on the  trip to Nova Scotia so he will be fairly laid back too.

well, back to the wrapping !

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