Thursday, August 14, 2014

I didnt know Bill was a woman

Halifax today!

The  whole of the coast here seems to be very unlucky with shipwrecks but we hadnt really appreciated how many until we saw a timeline in the Maritime museum of the Atlantic
  Perhaps there ought to be a new law of probability , something like

 "As the length of time a ship spends off the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia increases, the probability of it sinking approaches 1.000"

We saw artifacts from the SS Atlantic, got me wondering if the reason for the delay in rescue efforts was due to the sinking occurring on April 1st !
 The theme continued with one of the bodies having been discovered to be a girl who had dressed and worked as a sailor....... reported thus

The discovery of a girl in sailor's garb, whose life was sacrificed in efforts to save others. She was about twenty years old and had served as a common sailor for 3 voyages, and her sex had never been known until the body was washed ashore and prepared for burial. She is describes as having been a great favourite with all her shipmates and one of the crew speaking of her remarked "I didnt know Bill was a woman, he used to take his grog as regular as any of us, and was always begging or stealing tobacco. He was a good fellow, though, and I am sorry he was a woman""

White Star line didnt seem to have learned much apart from "women and children first" from this sinking, as 39 years later yet another infamous disaster smacked them in the stern...............................................

Some of the items recovered or washed ashore are preserved in the museum

We had a little sit on the deckchair too!

Al was threatening to build one of the massive models of a steamship but I found one that would be far more easy to display !

The rest of Halifax harbour was a nice walk, even if it was a bit hot for both of us...

famous Canadians............
Justin Bieber
KD Lang
Pierre Trudeau
Donald Sutherland
???????????   anyone else

What about Cunard, a native of Halifax apparently      

Who Knew?

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